Please note: Funding for the SFB 700 officially ended in December 2017. We will no longer update this website continuously. After some final updates in 2018 the website will continue to exist in its current form. All contents of the website will still be available to you.
About Us
The SFB 700 is a Collaborative Research Center funded by the German Research Foundation - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) over a time span of twelve years. Five institutions support the research center: the Freie Universität Berlin, the University of Potsdam, the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB), as well as the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA). Researchers from different academic fields including political, historical, and jurisprudential contexts work together, expanding the borders of their respective institutions to discuss...


SFB Working Paper 76 published
Working Paper 76 "Thinking About Governance Through Diasporas: Decentering the State and Challenging the External/Internal Binary" by Catherine Ruth Craven published.

Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 700 at ISA 2018
Between 4 and 7 April 2018, the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 700 once again took part in the Annual Convention of the International Studies Association (ISA), with great success.

The Oxford Handbook of Governance and Limited Statehood now available
The comprehensive Handbook of Governance and Limited Statehood is now available. Edited by Thomas Risse, Tanja A. Börzel, and Anke Draude.

SFB Working Paper 75 published
New Working Paper 75 "The Coupling of State and Sharia Justice Systems in a Secular State: The Case of Ethiopia" by Girmachew Alemu Aneme now available.

New edited volume "International Humanitarian Law in Areas of Limited Statehood" now available
The new book edited by Dr. Björnstjern Baade, Linus Mührel (Research Project C8), and Anton O. Petrov was published by Nomos.

New Essay by Thomas Risse and Eric Stollenwerk in Annual Review of Political Science
"Legitimacy in Areas of Limited Statehood" - A new Essay by Thomas Risse and Eric Stollenwerk was published in Annual Review of Political Science.

SFB Working Paper 74 available
New Working Paper 74 "Besserer Zugang zum Recht (Access to Justice) durch staatliche Anerkennung informeller Justizsysteme? Zur Relevanz rechtssoziologischer Forschung für die Außen- und Entwicklungspolitik" by Matthias Kötter available.

SFB Working Paper 73 available
New Working Paper 73 "International Organizations' Modes of Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood: The Case of Food Security" by Leon Valentin Schettler, Angela Heucher, and Andrea Liese available.

Essay by Thomas Risse & Eric Stollenwerk published in Daedalus
The second edition of Dædalus "Ending Civil Wars: Constraints and Possibilities" is now available online and is accessable here. Among 14 essays there is Thomas Risse's and Eric Stollenwerk's contribution ´Limited Statehood Does not Equal Civil War´.

Textbook "The People's Republic of China" by Klaus Mühlhahn published
Klaus Mühlhahn's textbook “The People's Republic of China” has been published by De Gruyter Publishers, Berlin.

International Workshop: “Diasporas and Homeland Governance – Decentering the State as an Analytical Category”
On 03. and 04. November 2017 the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 700 – “Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood” hosted a workshop with international guests on the topic of “Diasporas and Homeland Governance – Decentering the State as an Analytical Category” at the Freie Universität Berlin, which was led by Catherine Craven (SOAS/FU Berlin).

Book launch „Human Rights Futures“ on Thursday, October 26th
On October 26, the SFB 700 invited the public to the Freie Universität Berlin for the launch of the anthology Human Rights Futures (Cambridge University Press), edited by Stephen Hopgood (SOAS University of London), Jack Snyder (Columbia University), and Leslie Vinjamuri (SOAS University of London).

B13 Workshop: “Rethinking 1950s China – New Approaches and New Materials”
On October 12 and 13, 2017, the B13 research project “Adaptation and Legitimation as Factors of Effective Governance in China, 1949-1957”, led by Prof. Dr. Klaus Mühlhahn in cooperation with East China Normal University (ECNU) Shanghai and the Graduate School of East Asian Studies (GEAS), conducted a workshop with the title “Rethinking 1950s China – New Approaches and New Materials” at the Free University Berlin.

New SFB Working Paper 72 available
Working Paper 72 „Conflict Prevention and the Legitimacy of Governance Actors“ has been published in the SFB 700 Working Paper Series.

International closing conference of the SFB 700
After three successful funding periods, the SFB 700 will conclude its work at the end of the year. We leave behind twelve years of intensive research on “Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood”. As one of the highlights of our work, we organized a closing conference for 22-24 June. More than 220 international guests from academia to the political arena followed our invitation to the campus of the Free University Berlin.

Jana Hönke receives ERC Starting Grant
SFB 700 alumni Dr. Jana Hönke receives European Research Council grant of EUR 1.5 million.

Tim Glawion on Tageschau 24
On July 19, our research associate Tim Glawion discussed the current situation in the Central African Republic on the show Tagesschau 24.

Call for Papers: B2 Workshop zu "Diasporas and Homeland Governance”
The Research Project B2 of CRC 700 set up a Call for Paper for a workshop on “Diasporas and Homeland Governance”.

Prof. Christian Neuhäuser Holds Lecture at the SFB 700
As part of the SFB 700’s Jour Fixe series, Prof. Christian Neuhäuser of the Technical University of Dortmund presented his research on the “Political Responsibility of Private Actors in Areas of Limited Statehood” on February 9.

Publication of New SFB Working Paper 71
Working Paper 71 „Measuring Statehood on a Sub-National Level: A Dialogue among Methods“ has just been published in the SFB 700’s Working Paper Series

New Publication: „Latin America and the First World War“
The new publication „Latin America and the First World War“ edited by Stefan Rinke is now available from Cambridge University Press.

D1 Project on Partnerships Participates in International Meetings
At two international meetings, the D1 project team presented research findings on the effectiveness and legitimacy of transnational partnerships for sustainable development.

Review: C8-Workshop
On November 25, 2016, the C3 project hosted a workshop on “Challenges to International Humanitarian Law in Areas of Limited Statehood – Adaptable and Legitimate, or Petrified and Unreasonable?”

Transnational Knowledge Transfer at a Workshop by Project C3
On October 20 and 21, 2016, the C3 project hosted a workshop on “Encountering Transnational Violence in Guatemala.”

Thomas Risse and Gregor Walter-Drop at the German Bundestag
On October 17, Prof. Thomas Risse and Dr. Gregor Walter-Drop were invited to participate in a public expert discussion at the German Bundestag.

Making Sense of the Oath in Late Antiquity and the Earlier Middle Ages
From the 15th-17th Dec. 2016, the Research Project B10 will hold a conference with this title.

T3 Workshop: The “Technocracy Trap” of State-Building
On September 14, transfer project T3 hosted a workshop at the Federal Foreign Office on the topic "The 'Technocracy Trap' of State-Building: How to Improve the Effectiveness and Legitimacy of Justice and Security Sector Reforms (JSSR)."

Safe Areas as a Response to Humanitarian Crises?
A workshop held at the reserach center “Governance in Areas of Limited” on October 7 and 8 approached this question from the disciplinary perspectives of philosophy, political science and international law.

Cord Schmelzle Receives Dissertation Award
His dissertation Politische Legitimität und zerfallene Staatlichkeit (Political Legitimacy and Failed Statehood), received the 2016 Dissertation Award.

Hoover Workshop: Transition and Transformation - China in the Twentieth Century
From August 1 to August 10, 2016, the fourth China Workshop of the Hoover Institution of the Stanford University, USA titled “Transition and Transformation - China in the Twentieth Century” took place in cooperation with the SFB Research Project B13 and the Free University Berlin.

New Working Paper 70 now available
The Working Paper “External Authority. Compensation for Limited Statehood in the Provision of Collective Goods?” has been published.
Image Credits

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Image Credit: SFB 700/Kurty Wong

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Human Rights Futures 08
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Image Credit: SFB 700

Working Paper 72
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Image Credit: SFB 700/Johannes Klemt

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Tim Glawion im Interview
Image Credit: Screenshot YouTube

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Prof. Christian Neuhäuser hält seinen Vortrag
Image Credit: SFB 700/Johannes Klemt

Working Paper 71
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2017-02-09_latin america and the first world war
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2016-25-11 C8 Workshop Challenges
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Gregor Walter-Drop im Kreis der Teilnehmer/Innen
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Hoover Workshop
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Working Paper 70
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