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Regieren durch (Un)Sicherheit? Die Rolle der Polizei im Kontext beschränkter Staatlichkeit in Mexiko

Cover: Peripherie. Politik, Ökonomie, Kultur

Cover: Peripherie. Politik, Ökonomie, Kultur

Markus-Michael Müller – 2006

One of the most neglected aspects on the current debates on the limited reach of statehood in Latin America is the role of the police forces. By avoiding a view that analyses the (mis)behavior of this institution simply in terms of dis-functionality, this article tries to demonstrate that in the case of Mexico the seemingly "defective" nature of the police forces contributes to a "positive" outcome: In a political system overdetermined by the interaction of central & peripheral political forces, the relative autonomy & factionalism of the police allows this institution to adopt itself to the dynamic results of the negotiation processes between these forces & even to function as an articulation channel within them. The overall results of this situation are the maintenance of the structural stability of the Mexican form of statehood & the production of insecurity by the politically tolerated acts of police abuses for the majority of the Mexican population. References. Adapted from the source document.

Regieren durch (Un)Sicherheit? Die Rolle der Polizei im Kontext beschränkter Staatlichkeit in Mexiko
Barbara Budrich
Mexico, state, policing, security, Research Project C3
ISSN 0173-184X
Appeared in
Peripherie Zeitschrift für Politik und Ökonomie in der Dritten Welt, 104 (4), 500-522.