D9 - Ethno-Historical Archival Material on Sonora (Mexico) and Araucanía (Chile), 1750–1900
Research project D9 conducted a comparative study of the inclusion of indigenous groups in state governance in Sonora (Mexico) and Araucanía (Chile) from approx. 1750 to 1900. The documents were largely photographed on site or copies were made. This work was performed by researchers Mónika Contreras Saiz and Lasse Hölck. The archival material is quite heterogenous and contains hand-written missionary reports, military informational sources, maps, letters from colonial officials, census results, and illustrations.
The following archives were visited for the Sonora case study:
- Archivo General de las Indas (Sevilla)
- Archive General de la Nación (Mexico D.F.)
- Archivo General del Estado de Sonora (Hermosillo)
- Archivo Parroquial de Hermosillo
- Bancroft Library (Berkeley)
- University of Arizona Special Collection
The following archives were visited for the Araucanía case study:
- Archivo General de Indias
- Archivo Franciscano de Chile, Chillán
- Archivo Nacional de Chile
- Archivo General de la Nación (Argentina)
- Archivo Regional de la Araucanía
Contact: Lasse Hölck, lhoelck@zedat.fu-berlin.de