Eric Stollenwerk

Research Project A1
Research Associate
Room 009
14197 Berlin
Eric Stollenwerk holds a B.A. in Political Science and German Literature from the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (2006–2010). He also holds an M.A. in Political Science from Freie Universität Berlin (2010–2012). From 2008 to 2009 he studied at Colorado College in Colorado Springs, USA. Since October 2012 he has been a Research Associate at the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 700 at Freie Universität Berlin. His main responsibilities in the research project A1 include quantitative assessments of the SFB 700’s core assumptions. The conceptualization and measurement of legitimacy of governance actors, governance effectiveness, and statehood are of special interest. His forthcoming PhD thesis is titled: “The Legitimacy of Governance Actors and Collective Goods Provision in Areas of Limited Statehood: Theoretical and Empirical Insight into the Virtuous Cycle Argument” (working title).
Since January 2014 Eric Stollenwerk has served as acting Managing Director of the SFB 700. In September 2014 he became a Research Affiliate at the Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies.
Seminar: “Failed States – Problems and Perspectives,” block seminar through the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes at TU Dresden (April 2015)
Tutor: “Introduction to Social Structure Analysis of Modern Societies” at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Summer Semester 2010)
Tutor: “Introduction to Quantitative Social Science Research” at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Winter Semester 2009/2010)
Empirical Legitimacy of Governance
Governance Effectiveness
Quantitative Research Methods
Terrorism Research
Journal Articles (SSCI-listed journals marked with *)
Risse, Thomas and Eric Stollenwerk (2018): Legitimacy in Areas of Limited Statehood, Annual Review of Political Science, Vol. 21., 403-418. (*)
Risse, Thomas and Eric Stollenwerk (2018): Limited Statehood Does Not Equal Civil War, in: Eikenberry, Karl/Krasner, Stephen (eds.): Civil Wars, Violence, and International Responses, Daedalus, 147(1), Special Issue, 104-115. (*)
Stollenwerk, Eric, Thomas Dörfler & Julian Schibberges (2016): Taking a New Perspective: Mapping the Al Qaeda Network Through the Eyes of the UN Security Council, Terrorism and Political Violence, 28:5, 950-970. (*)
Book Chapters
Stollenwerk, Eric (2018): Measuring Governance and Limited Statehood, in: Risse, Thomas/Börzel, Tanja A./Draude, Anke (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Governance and Limited Statehood, 106-127, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Ph.D. Project
Stollenwerk, Eric: A Virtuous Circle of Governance? Effectiveness and Legitimacy in Areas of Limited Statehood (working title), expected April 2018.
Under Review
Stollenwerk, Eric: Service Perceptions and State Legitimacy in Nigeria: Virtuous or Vicious Interplay? (Revise and Re-submit).
Schmelzle, Cord and Eric Stollenwerk: Virtuous or Vicious Circle? Governance Effectiveness and Legitimacy in Areas of Limited Statehood, Special Issue, (under review).
Stollenwerk, Eric: Securing Legitimacy? Security Perceptions and ISAF’s Legitimacy in Afghanistan, in: Schmelzle, Cord and Stollenwerk, Eric (eds.): Virtuous or Vicious Circle? Governance Effectiveness and Legitimacy in Areas of Limited Statehood, Special Issue, (under review).
Other Publications
Stollenwerk, Eric (2017): Measuring Statehood on the Sub-National Level in Nigeria, in: Linke-Behrens, Luisa; Heucher, Angela; Schettler, Leon (Ed.): Measuring Statehood on a Sub-National Level: A Dialogue among Methods, SFB-Governance Working Paper Series, No. 71, 9-15, Berlin.
Work in Progress
Stollenwerk, Eric: The Nexus Between Limited Statehood and Transnational Terrorism: A Macro-Quantitative Study on a Contested Assumption.
Stollenwerk, Eric: State Legitimacy and Service Perceptions. How do they interplay in Sub-Saharan Africa?
Stollenwerk, Eric/Jan Opper 2017: The Governance and Limited Statehood Dataset, version March17. Freie Universität Berlin, SFB 700.