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Research Project C4 - Armed Conflict and (In-)Security in Areas of Limited Statehood

Principal Investigator:
Research Team:
Mar 01, 2007 — Dec 31, 2009

The Project collects, integrates, and analyzes data on actors, structural conditions, and processes in armed conflicts to explain the evolution and demise of security in areas of limited statehood. This goal is pursued by disaggregating conflict data in time and space, enabling research differentiating and analyzing secure and non-secure areas of limited statehood. In the first phase of the C4 project all African countries experiencing armed conflict after 1990 will be coded. This research project contributes to the question where and under what conditions secure order is established and how it is sustained.


!! This content refers to a research project from the first funding period (2006-2009). The research project was continued in the second funding period as research project C2 !!