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Event Data on Armed Conflict and Security

The Event Data on Armed Conflict and Security (EDACS) project collects, integrates, and analyzes data on the intensity, dynamics, location, actors and structural conditions of armed conflict. In order to explain the evolution and demise of armed conflict and security in areas of limited statehood, EDACS uses a temporally and spatially disaggregated approach. This enables research differentiating and analyzing violent and non-violent areas of limited statehood as well as secure and less secure periods of time. If we define security narrowly as the absence of acute physical threats to individuals or groups and the prospect of survival, then we expect to observe spatiotemporal variations and hybrid forms of security even under the conditions of violent conflicts and state failure. Therefore EDACS contributes both to the recent debate on disaggregating armed conflict and violence - and on the set of problems originating from the governance complex. The project especially focuses on the question where and under what conditions security governance is established and how it is sustained.

The EDACS download section contains two preliminary datasets, for Sierra Leone and Liberia only, covering a timeframe stretching from 1990 until 2009, which – for reasons of simplification – do not contain all coded variables. For further information please see the EDACS Codebook or contact Gregor Reisch (gregor.reisch@fu-berlin.de).


Further information about the EDACS project can be found at www.conflict-data.org/edacs/index.html.