Fairlie Chappuis

Research Project C6
Research Associate
14197 Berlin
Fairlie Chappuis is a Research Associate for the project “Exporting the State Monopoly on Violence: Security Governance Transfers to Areas of Limited Statehood” where she leads the case study on security governance and reform in Liberia. Before joining the Research Center SFB 700: Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood, she worked on security governance and reform issues within the Research Division at the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) 2006-2010.
Fairlie holds a BA(Hons) and a Graduate Diploma in Political Studies from the University of Auckland (New Zealand) as well as an MA in International Affairs from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva (Switzerland). She is currently a doctoral candidate at the Free University of Berlin, where her research focuses on the challenges of security sector reform in post-conflict contexts.
Her research interests include the link between security and development, human security, governance processes, and post-conflict state-building and peace-building.
“Human Security and Security Sector Reform: Conceptual Convergence in Theory and Practice,” in Mainstreaming Human Security: Potentials, Problems, Policies, (eds.) W. Benedek, M.C. Kettemann & M. Möstl (Routledge, 2010).
with H. Hänggi: “The Interplay between Security and Legitimacy: Security Sector Reform and State-Building,” in Facets and Practices of State-Building, (eds.) J. Raue & P. Sutter (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2009).
with H. Born: “Intelligence Services: Strengthening Democratic Accountability,” in Democratic Control Of Intelligence Services: Containing Rogue Elephants, (eds.) H. Born & M. Caparini (London: Ashgate Publishers, 2007).
“The Practice of Human Security Theory: A Case Study of US and EU Policy in the Middle East and North Africa,” Revue de la Sécurité Humaine/Human Security Journal 1, No.2 (2006): 35-46.