German Foreign Policy
Prof. Dr. Heike Krieger
Research Project C8 - Legitimacy and Law-Making in International Humanitarian Law
Areas of Expertise:
- United Nations
- foreign deployment of German military forces
- martial law
- international and European human rights protection
- constitutional jurisdiction
- protection of fundamental rights
Prof. Dr. Andreas Mehler
Research Project C10 - Alternatives to State-Sponsored Security in Areas of Extremely Limited Statehood (Central African Republic and South Sudan)
Areas of Expertise:
- power-sharing after peace agreements
- violent conflicts and conflict prevention
- state and statehood
- democratization processes
- German and French Africa policy
- Liberia, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Central African Republic
Prof. Dr. Thomas Risse
Research Project A1 - Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood: Contributions to Theory Building
Research Project T3 - Policy Implications of Governance Research for German Foreign Policy
Areas of Expertise:
- German foreign policy
- Europe and Russia
- current issues in European policy
- international relations in light of the Geneva Convention and the UN Declaration of Human Rights
- fragile statehood
- governance-export
Dr. Gregor Walter-Drop
Research Project A1 - Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood: Contributions to Theory Building
Research Project T3 - Policy Implications of Governance Research for German Foreign Policy
Areas of Expertise:
- German foreign and development policy
- security policy
- transition countries
- developing and emerging countries
- state-building