Angela Heucher

Research Project D8
Research Associate
Room 103
14197 Berlin
Angela Heucher is a research associate in the research project 'Talk and Action': How International Organizations Respond to Areas of Limited Statehood (a sub-project of the Collaborative Research Center “Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood”). Angela conducted fieldwork at international organizations (IOs) and interviewed IO-staff both at headquarter and country office level. She was responsible for case study research on IOs’ food security programmes in Western Africa (Cote d’Ivoire, Niger and Sierra Leone).
Her research interests include international organizations, in particular their role as external governance actors in areas of limited statehood, inter-organizational relations as well as the fragmentation and complexity of global governance. In her own research, she analyses how international organizations perceive developments in the field of food security governance (such as overlap) and with which strategies they respond. In doing so, she compares international organizations at the core and at the periphery of the field.
- „International Organizations”, BA Seminar (in German), University of Potsdam, Fall Term 2016/17
Heucher, A., Liese, A., Schettler, L. (2018): Methodischer Anspruch trifft Organisationale Wirklichkeit: Interviewführung in internationalen Organisationen, In: Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 25 (1): 199-210.
Schettler, L., Heucher, A., Liese, A. (2018): International Organizations‘ Modes of Governance. The Case of Food Security, SFB-Governance Working Paper Series, No. 73, Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 700, Berlin, March 2018.
Heucher, A. (2017): „International Organization in Time: Fragmentation and Reform by Tine Hanrieder“, In: Global Affairs 3 (1): 106-108. Fulltext
Heucher, A., Linke-Behrens, L., Schettler, L. (2017): Measuring Statehood on a Sub-National Level: A Dialogue among Methods, SFB-Governance Working Paper Series, No. 71, Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 700, Berlin, February 2017. Download
Wieck, C., Rudloff, B., Heucher, A. (2014): Agri-Investments and Public Spending in Selected Vulnerable Countries – Will They Contribute to Reduce Food Insecurity? Agricultural and Resource Economics, Discussion Paper 2014:1. Download