Quantitative Datensätze
Teilprojekt C9: Aid, Minds, Hearts: A Longitudinal Study of Governance Interventions in Afghanistan
Böhnke, Jan/Koehler, Jan/Zürcher, Christoph. 2013: North East Afghanistan Longitudinal Study (NEALTS), 2007 – 2009.
Codebook und Datensätze (zip, 782 kB)
Implementation of the surveys by OSDR (http://www.osdr.org.af) under the supervision of Jan Koehler.
Teilprojekt C9: Aid, Minds, Hearts: A Longitudinal Study of Governance Interventions in Afghanistan
Böhnke, Koehler, Zürcher (2017): State formation as it happens: insights from a repeated cross-sectional study in Afghanistan, 2007–2015, in: Conflict, Security & Development 17: 2.
Teilprojekt D4: Sovereign Debt and Crisis Management in Areas of Limited Statehood: Bargaining vs. Creditor Litigation
Cruces, Juan and Trebesch, Christoph (2013): Sovereign Defaults: The Price of Haircuts. In: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, Vol 5(3), 1-34
Teilprojekt A1: Governance in Räumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit: Beiträge zur Theoriebildung
Stollenwerk, Eric/Jan Opper 2017: The Governance and Limited Statehood Dataset, version March17. Freie Universität Berlin, SFB 700.