Jana Hönke

Teilprojekt D2
University of Edinburgh
School of Social and Political Science
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Raum 4.09 Chrystal Macmillan Building
UK EH8 9LD Edinburgh, UK
Rekonfiguration politischer Ordnung; Intervention und Contentious Politics; Policing, Sicherheits- und Entwicklungspolitik; Nicht-staatliche Akteure, insb. Unternehmen; Extraktive Industrien und Resourcen-Governance
Diskurs- und Praxistheorien und -methoden, Soziologische Ansätze in den IB, politische Anthropologie und transnationale Politik, Postkoloniale Theorien
Regionale Schwerpunkte
Sub-Sahara Afrika
Transnationale Räume
Jana Hönke ist Lecturer der Internationalen Beziehungen an der Universität Edinburgh. Sie ist ausserdem an das Forschungszentrum SFB 700 an der Freien Universität Berlin assoziiert und koordiniert mit Tanja Börzel das Teilprojekt Unternehmen und Governance in Sub-Sahara Afrika.
Jana war zuvor wissenschafltiche Mitarbeiterin sowie Postdoc am SFB 700 und lehrte am Otto-Suhr-Institut der FU Berlin. Sie war außerdem Gast-Postdoc am Centre for International Policy Studies (CIPS) und der Graduate School of Public and International Affairs (ESAPI) der Universität Ottawa, sowie Gastwissenschaftlerin am Centre of Criminology der Universität Kapstadt und an der Sociology of Work Unit der Universität Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. Sie studierte Afrikanistik, Politikwissenschaft und Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Leipzig und am Centre d'Étude d'Afrique Noir am Institut d'Études Politiques de Bordeaux und promovierte im Bereich Politikwissenschaft an der FU Berlin.
Publikationen (Auswahl)
Hönke, Jana 2013. Transnational Companies and Security Governance. Hybrid Practices in a Postcolonial World, London: Routledge.
Börzel, Tanja and Jana Hönke 2012. Security and Human Rights. Mining Companies Between International Commitment and Corporate Practice, Baden-Baden: Nomos (Schriften des Münchner Centrums für Governance-Forschung Nr. 7).
Hönke, Jana and Markus-Michael Müller (eds.) 2012. Governing (In)Security in the Postcolonial World, Special Issue of Security Dialogue 43 (5).
Hönke, Jana, with Esther Thomas 2012. Governance for Whom? Capturing the inclusiveness and unintended effects of governance, SFB Working Papers Series Nr. 31, DFG Sonderforschungsbereich 700, Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin.
Hönke, Jana, and Markus Lederer 2011. Development and International Relations, in: Handbook of International Relations. Edited by Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse, and Beth Simmons. London: Sage.
Bachmann, Jan and Jana Hönke 2010. 'Peace and Security’ as Counterterrorism? Old and New Liberal Interventions and their Social Effects in Kenya, in: African Affairs 109 (434) (with Jan Bachmann).
Weitere Publikationen siehe D2 Projektpublikationen sowie Jana's Edinburgh Webseite.
Ausgewählte Papiere und Präsentationen
2011 A Research Agenda on Multinational Companies, Commercialisation and Security, Private Security Workshop, October 8, University of Ottawa.
2011 The politics of the governed: Company community policies and local repertoires of action, European African Studies Conference, June 15-18, Uppsala.
2011 Governance For and Against Whom? Business contributions to collective goods and bads in Sub-Saharan Africa, Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood: By Whom, for Whom, and to What Effect? Conference, May 26-28, Research Centre 700 and Freie Universität Berlin.
2011 New Political Topographies, Questions Around the Extraction of Natural Resources in Africa AEGIS Thematic Conference, April 14-15, Madrid.
2011 Norms versus heterogeneous practice regimes of transnational governance,Interrogating the Use of Norms in International Relations, Working Group at the International Studies Association Conference hosted by the International Political Sociology Section, March 15, Montreal.
2010 Co-existing 'cultures', contradictory practices: Multinational companies and trans-nationalised security governance in South Africa and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, talk at School of Oriental and African Studies, 3 December 2010, London.
2010 Business and Governance Research going local: entanglement and plural practices, presentation at the workshop “The Role of Business in Global Governance”, 16-17 September 2010, Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Frankfurt.
2010 Hybrid security cultures in the 19th and 21st century: Governing security in transnational business enclaves, paper presented at the SGIR September 9-11, 2010 in Stockholm.
2010 Hybrid regimes of security practices in transnationalised business spaces. (CSR) Discourse meets practice (theory), paper presented at the SGIR September 9-11, 2010 in Stockholm.
2010 From Compliance to Practice: Mining Companies and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights in the Democratic Republic of Congo (with Tanja A. Börzel), paper presented at the APSA 2010, Washington.
2010 Panel Transnational Security Governance and Local Political Order in Africa, Latin America and Asia (with Markus M. Müller, LAI FU Berlin), International Studies Association Conference 17-21 February, New Orleans. Paper: Security governance in transnationalised business spaces in South Africa and the DRC – a practice approach.
2010 Business in Security Governance: ‘Global’ Discourse and Everyday Practices in the Hybrid Space of an African Extraction Enclave, Paper presented at the workshop 'Glocal' Practices of Security Governance in the Postcolony, January 22-23 2010, FU Berlin.
2009 Panel We tried but they failed – Critical perspectives on Interventionism in Africa (with Jan Bachmann, U Bristol), Panel Topographies of Rule, European Conference of African Studies 4-7 June 2009, University of Leipzig.
2009 Understanding Security Governance in Enclaves of Extraction. The structuring effect of the transnationalised security and extractive industries fields, paper prepared for the workshop “Analysing the Security Field: Mapping Privatisation and Internationalisation”, 23 – 24 April at the Copenhagen Business School, Fredericksberg.
2008 Organisation and introduction to the working group "Companies in Local Security Governance" at the workshop "Business and Local Governance – Potentials and Pitfalls", organised by the SFB 700/FU Berlin and the Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town, September 19, Capetown.
2008 Topographies of Rule and Areas of Extraction. Katanga and Witwatersrand, presentation at the workshop "Governing Security and Making Space" organised by the GKL “Critical Junctures of Globalization”, University of Leipzig with the SFB 700, FU Berlin, September 5, Berlin.
2008 Governing Security in the Context of Weak Postcolonial Statehood. Private Self-help, Partnership Policing or Shadow Networks of Public-private Rule, paper presented at the „American Political Science Conference”, Boston, MA, (August 27-31).