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Research Project C10 - Governing people's safety in areas of extremely limited statehood: South Sudan and the Central African Republic

Principal Investigator:
Jan 01, 2014 — Dec 31, 2017
Interviewing the Congolese police in Bazi at the border to South Sudan

Interviewing the Congolese police in Bazi at the border to South Sudan

Why do some areas of limited statehood produce security while others are fraught with persistent insecurity?

This research project focuses on areas where state presence is limited and where other local and external non-state actors are involved in providing security to citizens. By developing a micro-perspective on local arenas of security provision in South Sudan and the Central African Republic, the project seeks to understand what explains the differences in effective security provision in areas where statehood is limited. The research provides insights into how security is provided to citizens in peripheral areas of the two countries, which allows for a comparison of underlying causes of security and for an assessment of needed policy adjustments.

Latest research reports can be found here:

'Speculating on Crisis: The Progressive Disintegration of the Central African Republic’s Political Economy',Clingendael Research Unit Report, The Hague, The Netherlands

RB1 - Security Developments in South Sudan’s Peripheries: Mundri, Buseri and Raja

RB2 - Disrupted social cohesion in the Central African Republic: Paoua, Bangassou and Obo

RB2 (French) - La cohésion sociale ébranlée en République centrafrique : Étude à Paoua, Bangassou et Obo

RB3 - Somaliland’s Substitutive Security System Between Provision and Competition

RB4 - Persisting Insecurity in the Central African Republic

RB4 (French)- L‘insécurité persiste en République centrafricaine

RB5 - Somaliland's Search for Internal Recognition

RB5 (Somali) - Raadinta Somaliland ee Aqoonsiga Gudaha

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