Tim Glawion

Research Project C10
Research Associate
Room 010
14197 Berlin
Tim Glawion is a Research Fellow and Ph.D. candidate at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies. As a member of the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 700 "Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood" he is researching security provision in areas of limited statehood in South Sudan, the Central African Republic, and Somalia. In his thesis he focuses on possible tools for international engagement in areas lacking state authority and their effects on local security dynamics. Tim Glawion received his Master’s degree with distinction in Conflict Resolution from King’s College London in 2013 and in 2012 a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Heidelberg University. He is a native English and German speaker, proficient in Arabic and French, and has basic knowledge of Somali. Tim Glawion has studied, researched and worked in Cameroon, Egypt, England, Kenya, USA and Germany.
Research Interests:
- Security and peace in areas of limited statehood (so called ‚Failed States‘)
- Alternative practices of statebuilding
- Diplomacy in areas of limited statehood
- Somalia; South Sudan; Central African Republic; Sub-Sahara Africa; Middle East and North Africa
Current Articles
Glawion, Tim (2013), Conflict, Mediation, and the African State: How Foreign Support and Democracy Lead to Strong Political Order, in: African Security, 6, 1, 38-66
Glawion, Tim (2017), Field Research in Conflict Environments: Interviews, Focus Groups, and Observations in Somaliland and the Central African Republic, in: Angela Heucher, Luisa Linke-Behrens & Leon Schettler: Measuring Statehood on a Sub-National Level: A Dialogue among Methods, SFB- Governance Working Paper Series Nr. 71., Freie Universität Berlin.
de Vries, Lotje / Glawion, Tim (2015), 'Speculating on Crisis: The Progressive Disintegration of the Central African Republic’s Political Economy', Clingendael Research Unit Report, The Hague, The Netherlands
Glawion, Tim (2013), Somalia (Islamist groups) , in: Conflict Barometer. Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research, 62-63